Beetle Pest Control
Beetle Pest Control in Reno, NV
Critter Bros provides the best beetle pest control and beetle infestation treatments in the Reno, NV area. Beetles are a wide category that applies to many different insects, but most homeowners in Reno deal with nuisance beetles that destroy wood, damage garden plants, infest pantries, or infest carpets, drapes, and furniture. Common species include pantry beetles, carpet beetles, powderpost beetles, and Asian lady beetles. Beetle damage can be widespread and destructive, and beetles themselves are very difficult to get rid of. Save yourself the headache and leave beetle control to the pest control experts at Critter Bros. Our team will eliminate beetle infestations on your property, while also providing you with preventative pest control treatments and seal-outs to prevent beetles or any other destructive pests from infesting your property in the future. Contact our team to get started today with a FREE estimate at 775-495-8090!
Common House Beetles
There are several different types of beetle that might be damaging your property in the Reno, NV area. Carpet beetles are common, often starting out on outside plants before moving inside the home, sometimes through people bringing these plants indoors. Carpet beetles will infest carpets, furniture, blankets, drapes, and more, with their larvae feeding on these materials. Powderpost beetles are wood-destroying insects, laying eggs inside seasoned hardwoods that bore out as mature beetles. You might also find yourself dealing with pantry beetles, which infest dry, prepackaged food in your pantry like cereal, grains, beans, and rice. Asian lady beetles, which closely resemble ladybugs, will gather in large numbers near doors and windows in the fall, and these bugs can bite you or secrete a strong-smelling liquid that can stain white surfaces. No matter what type of beetles you are dealing with, Critter Bros can help. Call us today to get started with your beetle infestation treatment in the Reno, NV area.
What Attracts Beetles?
What attracts beetles to your home in Reno varies based on what type of beetle you are dealing with. Pantry beetles are attracted to dry, prepackaged food that has been stored for long periods of time, and they are especially attracted to kitchens or pantries with plenty of crumbs to feast on, as well as warm areas. However, these bugs can also get into your food supply by infesting your grains or cereal at the processing plant before they even reach you. Powderpost beetles are attracted to untreated and unpainted wood that provides them with cracks and crevices in which to lay their eggs. Asian lady beetles are attracted to your home in the fall and winter, searching for a warm place to wait out the cold weather. Carpet beetles are attracted to dark, undisturbed areas that provide them with organic fibers or grains to feed on.
How To Get Rid Of Beetles Inside Your House
Beetles breed extremely quickly, and it can be difficult to get rid of these pests once they have infiltrated your home. That’s where Critter Bros comes in. Our team offers the best beetle infestation treatments in the Reno, NV area. We start with a FREE inspection, where one of our team members comes out and carefully analyzes target areas, determining what type of beetle pest you are dealing with, how they are getting in, and what is attracting them. Then we will implement several different beetle control techniques, attacking the problem at all stages of the life cycle. Finally, we will identify and seal off all their entry points so they can’t get back in. Contact Critter Bros today for the best beetle pest control service in the Reno, NV area at 775-495-8090!
Beetle Infestation Damage
Beetle infestations can create severe damage to your home, garden and property, Powderpost beetles are the most obvious culprits, as the larvae they lay inside wood will emerge as they grow to maturity, boring through to the surface as they do so.
Pantry beetle larvae lay their eggs inside stored products like cereal, grains, beans, coffee, etc., and as the larvae hatch they will feed on these food products. In addition to their feeding habits, they will also contaminate the food by depositing feces in the product. Pantry beetles don’t stay put and will often migrate to other stored food within your pantry, often meaning you’ll have to throw out entire shelves worth of food.
Carpet beetle larvae feed on organic fabrics like wool, pet hair, blankets, furniture, and more, severely damaging these products and making them look threadbare. Asian lady beetles don’t cause as much damage, but they can excrete a strong-smelling yellow liquid that can stain surfaces.
Book a Free Beetle Control Inspection
How To Keep Beetles Out
Carpet beetles often enter the home on flowers and other decorative plants that were outdoors, so carefully check these plants for signs of beetles before bringing them inside. Powderpost beetles lay their eggs in untreated wood, so don’t leave any in-progress wooden furniture inside barns or sheds where powderpost beetles can get to them. Pantry beetles are attracted to crumbs and spills, so make sure you are cleaning up all spills as soon as they happen. Asian lady beetles are attracted to the warmth in your home, so the best way to keep them out is to put screens on your doors and windows, seal off any potential crack or crevice (look for areas you might not even think to check, like penetrations where fuel lines enter the home), and ensure you have effective weatherstripping. Critter Bros also offers preventative pest control treatments, where we will treat your home on a regular basis, preventing beetles and other pests from establishing a population on your property.
Best Beetle Infestation Treatment Near Me
Beetles encompass a wide variety of destructive insect pests that can damage your carpets, bore through wood and wood furniture, leave behind stains on surfaces in your home, and contaminate the food supply in your pantry. Beetle infestations can get out of control very quickly, so once you begin seeing the signs, it is imperative to call a pest control professional to limit further damage. Critter Bros can help, our team offers the best beetle infestation treatment services in the Reno, NV area. No matter what type of beetle you are having problems with, we will eliminate them from your home and provide you with seal-outs and preventative pest control treatments to keep them from coming back. Contact Critter Bros to get started today with beetle pest control at 775-495-8090!